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Contact information

BONO REAL spol. s. r. o.

  • Address Koprivnická 11
    84102 Bratislava
  • Telephone 0910933556, 0911933556
  • Contact Monika Hegyiová
  • We speak en   de

BONO REAL al. Ltd. is an active real estate agent with a professional approach. Real estate by us are hardworking, responsible, consistent people who provide our clients with a comprehensive service which our clients are satisfied real estate company and therefore we recommend a family member, friend, colleague ... Our strongest motives at work is just reach the satisfaction of the client. Each client responsibly, seriously and individually. Another course is to always delay in negotiating cooperation to inform clients about the amount of our commissions, which we take for granted. Our contract prepared by lawyers we provide a complete legal service to customers and therefore we guarantee that the contracts contain all the legal formalities and legally. Pay all costs required to transfer property for verification of signatures. Very happy to convince you of the truth of the above words and look forward to working.

BONO REAL spol. s. r. o.


Makler obrazek Katarína Brezinová
Telefón: +421 904058602
Makler obrazek Hana Ažaltovičová
Realitný maklér
Telefón: +421903234033
Makler obrazek Hana Ažaltovičová
Realitný maklér
Telefón: +421903234033
Makler obrazek Monika Hegyiová
Telefón: 0910933556
Makler obrazek Katarína Brezinová
Realitný asistent
Telefón: +421904058602
Makler obrazek Monika Hegyiová
Telefón: +421910933556
Makler obrazek Monika Hegyiová
Telefón: +421910933556
Makler obrazek Patrik Hanečák
Realitný asistent
Telefón: +421948556933
Makler obrazek Pavol Čambalik
Realitný maklér
Telefón: +421911933556
Makler obrazek Pavol Čambalik
Realitný maklér
Telefón: +421911933556